Parent support

Barnston Primary has various ways in which it gives parents a voice to contribute to making improvements and enabling and supporting the school to move forward. A sealed box for anonymous or named ideas has been placed in the bike hold by the Parents and questionnaires are sent out to parents during their time at Barnston to gain honest opinions from parents. In addition, we consult with parents when making any major changes and explain things thoroughly.

Throughout the year Parent Workshops will be held in order to support parents and to give them a voice - we have moved away from more traditional talks and encourage interaction from parents, whether after school hours, or when parents are invited in to work with their children. Parent feedback forms capture views, as do report feed back forms at the end of the year. At Barnston we work with parents to benefit all children in the school, therefore, any individual parent grievances should be taken up with teachers, Senior Management or the Deputy and Headteacher and we will always work to resolve these - sometimes we have to politely agree to disagree, as change has to benefit the majority of pupils and parents.